Monday, November 16, 2009

Banana Boat Darking Tanning Oil, no spf or spf 4?

What is better to get a tan,


Banana Boat Darking Tanning Oil, no spf or spf 4?
it depends on your skin...with no spf, you'll either burn or dark quicker, but it is unhealthy...
Reply:If you're doing it in the house then it doesn't make a difference. Just get the cheaper one.
Reply:i would get an actual tanning lotion like you can get at a beauty shop or tanning salon.

or just use regular skin lotion.

all i know is that your skin needs to be moisturized to keep a tan.
Reply:you should ALWAYS use a sunscreen. trust me, you will still get a tan.
Reply:I think it depends on how rich you want to make your dermatogist (spf 4) or whether you've picked out a prepaid funeral plan (no spf). Sorry to be so blunt, but, like smoking, tanning kills. It's everywhere in the news, it's scientifically proven, you can't claim you don't know it.

If you absolutely must tan then use an SPF 15 and get your tan very, very gradually. I love the way I look with a tan, but I love my family more, and even though I could get hit by a bus tomorrow I can't control the bus, I can control the damage I allow the sun to do to my skin. It's all about choices.

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