Monday, November 16, 2009

How can i get tan fast without going to a tanning bed or a spray tans?

spray tanning would be your only quick solution. look for one with good reviews. thi smonths issue of 17 has some they recomend. Spray tanning is much saffer then any other method, tanning beds or beach bum tanning. Spray tans have a chemical in them so that your skin does not obsorb it. basically it stains your skin and thts it. as long as you apply them correctly they should turn out nicley.

How can i get tan fast without going to a tanning bed or a spray tans?
well you don't want to do anything to tan but you want to be tan..yeah that will be a tough one, but you could try going outside.
Reply:There is no shortcut to getting a tan. Just go outside or something.
Reply:lay out each day and remember to turn over!
Reply:spending some time outside. use a bronzing tanning lotion.
Reply:Tanning any way you look at it or do it, is not good for your skin!!! It causes skin cancer.!! skip the tan and just be yourself!! Its safer
Reply:Just stand in the sun.It's very helpful! but not for long ok ok.My (white) friends tryed it and it worked for all of what i know.
Reply:lay out in the sun

1 comment:

  1. If you didn't want to get a spray tan in a salon you could always use an at home self tanner. I only use and refer people to EnvyTan products as I strongly believe they are the best and give the most natural looking tan. When self tanning I use "Lasting Envy: Spray Tan In A Can". If you prefer a lotion when self tanning, they do have Confidential. Spray tanning doesn't stain your skin. When spray tanning solution (DHA) is applied to the skin, it naturally reacts with your skins enzymes, the result is a browning of the top layer of the skin. Think of an apple. If you bite into it and then leave it on the counter, the end result is that it browns. Due to the fact that spray tans are topical, it is very important to exfoliate your skin prior toreceiving your tan. Exfoliating removes the dead skin cells that are getting ready to fall off. This provides a flat, even surface to spray onto. I use Ambush, a cinnamon pumpkin scented exfoliating scrub. I then follow up with Body Armor(tan extender). Practicing good pre and post tan care can double the life of your spray tan, and will help provide a nice even fade until your next tan appointment.
