Monday, November 16, 2009

Do tanning beds really cause cancer? How often should I tan on one and for how long?

I need facts, not fiction, please!

Do tanning beds really cause cancer? How often should I tan on one and for how long?
I have skin cancer and used to use the tanning bed. It is considered a risk factor but so are a lot of other things. If you develop skin cancer, no one is going to be able to tell you exactly what event in your life time caused it. It is a risk, especially if you have fair skin. Getting sunburned out in the sun many, many times can cause cancer also. That doesn't mean if you use a tanning bed you are going to get cancer.... but then again, never think cancer is something that will never happen to you, b/c it can happen to anyone.

(I thought skin cancer would be the last type of cancer to worry about. I never burn, tan easily, etc.)
Reply:No more at risk than the sun.

Tanning beds do cause premature wrinkling. Use LOTS of body lotion and facial moisterizer, and cover you entire eye are with a sock to prevent crows feet.
Reply:Why are you so obossive with getting tan in first place?
Reply:They can, with overuse, like over tanning in the sun.

Still, you're damaging your skin, and you don't want it to look leathery as you age.
Reply:why are you still tanning in a tanning bed are there are so many good lotions out there that give you a natural looking tan. those won't give you cancer. try that instead.
Reply:It puts you at the same risk as exposure to the sun. it also ages your skin and gives it that leathery sheen!
Reply:Of course they cause cancer. I would only go in one to build a base tan if you're traveling somewhere where you might burn. Stay away from them unless you really need to be tan for something other than looks.
Reply:Do some research yourself and you can read "facts".

Tanning beds are no worse than the sun, but people who use them tend to use them more so they can cause issues more quickly.

I also like to have a tan, but my thought's always been (with regard to tanning beds) why pay for skin cancer when I can walk outside and get it for free?

Here's a link to some tips/facts you may find useful:
Reply:Yes they do and so does the sun. BUT... I think that a SUN tan is better than a fake tan. It's more glowy and natural looking. I also think that right now, it's not even spring yet, so I think the tanning beds could hold off a bit longer.

Try playing in the sun. That's sun exposure.
Reply:First time about ten minutes. You may get red for a day or so. If it is uncomfortable put aloe (unscented) on it. If you don't get red or uncomfortable, go longer next time. I think once a week is ok. never more than 20 min. Of course it depends on the person. You may be only able to tolerate five minutes or you may be completely immune to it. I have ruddy complexion, when tan, the redness goes away. My wife is a brunette and tanning has little effect on her color, but she gets red the first time. Everything causes cancer.
Reply:You want facts, well here is one. I used sunbeds in my teens and by age 22 I had skin cancer, FACT.

Is that enough proof for you?

Jeez, some people would rather find out the hard way, then it's their funeral...........literally!

Take care.

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